Sofía was born one Spring in the rainy Basque Country.
After obtaining her degree in Fine Arts she worked in the Graphic Department of a publishing firm where she specialized in beginner readers.
She received so much visual motivation there that she made her first project as illustrator, La mariposa gris, which got the Lazarillo award.
Living currently in Barcelona, she collaborates with publishers in Madrid, Barcelona and United States.
She also has taught Illustration for Children in la Eina, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art, and in la Escola de la Dona de Barcelona.
Her work has been published by the following firms: Ediciones SM, Edelvives, Baula, Barcanova, Grijalbo Mondadori, Santillana, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Edebé, Casals, Scott Foresman, Houghton Mifflin Company and McGraw-Hill.
As well as by the magazines Prevenir, Mía, Dona, suplemento del País, Prenatal, La guía del niño, Alacena, Qué leer, Saber Leer, McInsey & Co Cuadernos de Gestión, Tetze Vents, Piu-Piu and Cavall Fort.
Sofía wishes to thank Asun Balzola, for the professional support she gave her, and also to the Monoba studio, for the making of this web site.